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Encapsulation Patterns

In this text encapsulation is interpreted as two related concepts. As the first concept encapsulation means hiding information. As the second concept encapsulation means binding data and functions together while hiding information.

Both concepts are the pivoting point of the pattern-based implementations of a custom data type in C. The emphasis of these implementations is on the mechanics of constructing a custom data type with C primitives only - ints, chars and the like.


Since its inception in the mid 1940s the entity we now call "software" meaning "source code" or, even simpler, just "code" underwent quite a remarkable transformation. From flipping physical switches to the zeros and ones of machine code to the mov and bne mnemonics of the assembly language to a more easily decipherable though sometimes still rather mysterious algebraic expressions of C.

We may argue that the above evolution was driven in part by the desire of programmers to deal with the omnipresent necessity of change in a graceful way. We may further conjecture that during this evolution it became evident that software, in general, possesses a certain type of duality. On the one hand, software has some number of parts that are least likely to change over time. On the other hand, it has another set of parts that are more likely to change as time goes by. Both types of parts must somehow coexist.

For example, it is likely that the way a comparison instruction is encoded may change even within the same line of processor types. Wouldn't it be convenient to have a stand in for it that wouldn't change? A cmp perhaps? May be then it would be possible to use the same code on the same hardware without much revision?

Within the processors of completely different types a comparison operation name, the names of registers it uses and its overall format is likely to be different. Wouldn't it be convenient to have one stand in for it that will not change? An if perhaps? May be then it would be possible to use the same code on different types of hardware without much revision?

The number and placement of and the arguments to if statements may change but a logical name for this collection of statements will likely stay the same - thus a function is born.

Functions will come and go but the logical name for their collection and the physical envelope containing them will likely stay the same - thus a library comes to be.

Libraries and applications will come and go but their logical name and what they essentially do will remain the same - thus a project is conceived. And so on.

Key Idea

Let us now call the part of software that is most likely to change over time its implementation and let us call the part that is least likely to change over time its interface.

From the practical observation of software's duality and the programmer's grapevine we are now ready to put forward the following idea:

- separate the interface from the underlying implementation by making the former public and the latter private

- allow users to manipulate the implementation only via its interface

Let us now switch from the previously somewhat vague entity we call "software" to a more concrete concept of a single custom C data type, keeping in mind the fact that to some extent and in the context of this category of design patterns "software" boils down to a collection of "custom C data types".

As such, we reason that an interface - a collection of public functions that manipulate a given data type - is less likely to change while implementation - everything else that makes this data type usable - is more likely to change.

The Handle and the ADT patterns are two similar but different implementations of the suggested above separation of labor between the two portions of a data type. The name "Handle" should be self-explanatory. The abbreviation "ADT" stands for "Abstract Data Type".

Both patterns:

1) Establish a logical border between the data type's interface and its implementation by dividing it into two distinct portions

2) Make the data type's interface public

3) Make the data type's implementation private

4) Allow the variables of the corresponding type to be manipulated only via this type's interface

The difference between the two patterns will become evident soon enough but for now we shall highlight the fact that while Handle just hides information, ADT, in addition, combines its data and public functions into one inseparable whole.


The encapsulation patterns are a standard-conforming combination of the C language-specific and language-independent features. The Handle pattern relies on the way C treats incomplete data types. The ADT pattern relies on the way the C Standard governs the placement of members within a structure.

Both patterns package their final solution into a shared library.

To control the life cycle of variables of their types both patterns provide four public pair-wise complimentary functions - typeNew() and typeDelete(), the first pair, and typeConstruct() and typeDestruct(), the second pair.

typeNew(), and its complement typeDelete(), operate in two stages. In the first stage they allocate/free raw bytes from the default dynamic memory store available to C programs - heap (or malloc arena). In the second stage they initialize/destroy the allocated memory block by invoking the corresponding complementary functions of the second pair before returning. In the upcoming chapters we will look at the implementation of these functions in great detail. This is just a highlight:

extern type_t* typeNew() { size_t bytesneeded = typeSizeOf(); void* rawmemory = calloc( bytesneeded, sizeof( char ) ); type_t* v = typeConstruct( rawmemory ); return v; } extern void typeDelete( type_t** v ) { typeDestruct( *v ); free( *v ); *v = ( type_t* )NULL; }

Here typeSizeOf() is a public function that returns the raw memory requirements for a variable of a given type.

Since typeNew() initializes a variable prior to returning it to the user there is no need to call typeConstruct() separately. Further, if a variable was created with typeNew() then it should be disposed of with typeDelete(), in which case a separate call to typeDestruct() is not needed also:

type_t* v = typeNew(); typeDoSomething( v ); typeDelete( &v ); /* Now v == ( type_t* )NULL */

Creating variables at locations whose addresses can not be specified explicitly (on the heap) should accommodate a wide range of scenarios. However, with the complimentary functions of the second pair variables of encapsulated data types can be brought to life at arbitrary (possibly heap) addresses. typeConstruct(), and its complement typeDestruct(), are only concerned with turning the passed in memory block into either a fully functional variable, typeConstruct(), or a meaningless jungle of zeros and ones, typeDestruct():

extern type_t* typeConstruct( void* ); extern void typeDestruct( type_t* );

Consequently, if a variable was animated or initialized - not created - at an arbitrary address via typeConstruct() it should be destructed - not deleted - with typeDestruct():

void* rawmem = fromCustomMemory( typeSizeOf() ); type_t* v = typeConstruct( rawmem ); typeDoSomething( v ); typeDestruct( v ); /* v is not NULL, just destructed. */


In the corresponding chapters we will examine the overall cost of each pattern separately and in great detail. Here we will address a more fundamental issue - encapsulation patterns hide information that at times must be exposed. In that light, when it comes to actual manipulation of variables of encapsulated data types is it possible to:

1) Perform pointer arithmetic on them?
2) Create a C array of them?
3) Copy them?
4) Compare them?
5) Create a composite encapsulated data type?
6) Write/read them to/from socket or disk file?

1) Encapsulated data types are either fully incomplete (Handle) or partially complete (ADT). In any case they are not fully complete as far as C compiler working on the user code is concerned. The traditional data type-based C pointer arithmetic for end users is not possible. Internally it can still be done.

2) For the same reasons if a C array of variables of encapsulated types is needed then the only type of C array that can be created is an array of pointers (to variables of encapsulated data types).

3) Copying (duplicating, cloning) variables of encapsulated data types can be done via its public interface. Internally the usual C rules of structure/union copying still apply.

4) Same as above.

5) A composite encapsulated data type is an encapsulated type built with previously implemented encapsulated types. See Composition and Aggregation chapters for implementation details.

6) In descending order of generality and/or elegance some of the choices are:

6.1) Define a public interface to convert a variable of an encapsulated data type into a C array of unsigned char bytes and, conversely, a C array of unsigned char bytes back into a variable of an encapsulated data type:

extern unsigned char* typeToBytes( type_t*, size_t* ); extern type_t* typeFromBytes( unsigned char*, size_t );

Both functions will likely be symmetrical - know how the other one works. If an array of bytes processed by ToBytes() is fed into FromBytes() then the resulting variable should be an exact copy of its original.

6.2) Use inversion: define a public interface that takes an int file descriptor as an argument, for example, and uses it internally with read()/write().

6.3) Define a public function that returns a pointer to an internal variable of a primitive C data type.


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